Thursday 20 December 2012

Once in a lifetime part 43

aziz: shnu shfech?

me: wait,

no, he sent something else

Wahab: bs btshofen ya lulu

Me: shouf


Me: chub!!!!

Aziz: shbeswi al7eenn??

Me: shdraanyy i dont caaree

Aziz: ee you dont care b3den lmn y9er shey btgolen idc!

Me: its 8:10 lets sleep

Aziz: rou7ay darch !

Me: wala?

Aziz: ee

Me: mt2kid?

Aziz: bs 3ad !

Me: okay al7en arou7

I was walking slowly hoping that aziz will talk or something ..

Aziz: wait!

Me: what?

Aziz: ma btrden 3la wahab?

Me: malat 3laik 3baly btgoul shey zein, la many rada 3laih yala bye

Aziz: shey zein mthel shnu enshallah?

Me: i dont know anything!

Aziz: sleep tight bye

Me: yeah sure i will

I went to my room and laid on my bed thinking

I sent dm to dana

Me: ga3da?

Dana: yeah amray?

Me: wahab klmach? Yab 6ary 3ziz?

Dana: no why?

Me: umm madri just asking! Enzain etha yab 6areh 7g ay a7d please tell me

Dana: enshallah bs 9ayer shey?

Me: noo wla shey bs b3arf

Dana: oh okay sure

I was wake , still hoping that aziz will come ..

After 30 minutes

Ok he didnt come, i fell asleep ..

Wahab&dad's side

Wahab: slam 3laikum

Dad: 3laikum elslam hala wahab

Wahab: shlonk khali

Dad: tmam wnt

Wahab: bkhair 7mdallah

Dad: ha bghait shey?

Wahab: abek tsawi 3rs bse6 aw 7fla 9ghera 7g lulu ou aziz

Dad: laish?

Wahab told my dad the whole story

Dana's pov:

I heard everything! Unbelievable!!!! Hatha wahab? Hatha .. THE KIND WAHAB ! oh god ...

I told lulu everything ...

My side:

I woke up and its 12:00 pm ! Strange, aziz ma g3dni! Meh, m39b? Idc

I went to the bathroom, changed my clothes and went to the living room

But first i went to aziz's room, he wasnt there !!

Me: azizzz?

Aziz screaming: haaaaaa

Me: waaaineekk!

Aziz: bl7amaaam

Me: metaa g3aadt!

Aziz: tawnyy

I went to the living room, watching tv

Aziz: lulu!

Me: hala!

Aziz: dana tgool check ur dm

Me: okay

I checked my dm

Me: CHTHAABAAA!!!!!!!!!

Dana: WALLAAA!!!!

Me: mu 9ij!!! Shgaal oboyy?

Dana: gal okaayy bs lazm aklmha be3rf elsaalfaaa !!

Me: ambaaaaaaaihhh !!!

Dana: 7aaaaailll

Me: entay gltay 7g 3ziz?

Dana: la entay goulela !

Me: ok ok!

Me: 3aaazzeeezzz

Aziz: shnuu


Aziz: ha!

Me: 9dma haa?

Aziz: wait wait ana en7walt wla shnu bthab6?

Me: la its true

Aziz: ok, WHAAAAAT?

Me: hahaaay

Aziz: 9dmaatt 3umrryy! Muu3jjjzzaaa !!!

Me: eee 7ad ommah

Aziz: elmhm la n7sda b3den ysawi shey akhas

Me: enzain yala lets go to have lunch

Aziz: yala

We went to edgeware road to eat there ..

Suddenly my phone rang, its from my dad

Dad: ....


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