Friday 14 December 2012

Once in a lifetime part 38

After hyde park i decided to go home

Still wahab isnt there !!

I know wahab is being kinda nice, but still i dont want him !! I miss aziz ..

I called dana and told her everything

Dana: 3yal wain ra7! Dgetay 3laih?

Me: ee dgait wala shhaz mughlaq

Dana: khl agoul 7g omy ou oboy!

Me: okay awl ma tgolen call

Dana: ok bye

I wore aziz's shirt, the smell of it its so amazing <3

I wish i died instead of him ..

I took a shower then slept ..

After 2 days

Still nothing from wahab

His parents had nothing to do , they tried everything.

Suddenly a new mention from someone i dont know

@xxx follow back please i need to tell you something

I followed ..

Unknown: first its none of your business who am i , i just want you to follow what im going to tell you to do

Me: ok.

I was scared

Unknown: after 4 days i want you to go lego land by yourself

Me: what if my husband is with me?

Unknown: dont worry, he wont be


Me: are you wahab?

Unknown: no, unknown

Me: ok ok, bs lego land?

Unknown: yes at 10am you are there

Me: um ok. Bye

Im sure i know him/her !

I captured the chat and send it to dana and fay

Fay: la trou7en!!!!!!

Me: laisshh?

Fay: shdrach mnuu!

Me: akhaf fe shey! Ymkn ybeni ashouf shey!

Fay: wala madri ! Bs mabech trou7en brou7ch

Me: ehwa ybeni arou7 brou7y

Fay: wala madri, shofay dwain shtgoul

Me: okk


Dana: OMG!

Me: ikr? Arou7 wla la !!

Dana: madri, ee ou la

Me: im scared bs b3arf shnu fe

Dana: ee hatha ehwa !

Me: madri shswy

Dana: ekhthay wyach gun LOOOOL

Me: YES ! I think its a great idea

Dana: samayy blra7man a3outhblla!

Me: uff

Dana: khla9 rou7ay bs TAAAAAKE CAAAAAARE

Me: enshallah i will

I opened my closet, wore my purple short and aqua blue t-shirt with my blue converse amd applied some makeup

I looked at the mirror, I WANT MY HAIR

Well its growing everyday but its little, very little

Well atleast its better than nothing

But i always remember قدر الله وما شاء فعل

I decided to go aziz's apartment , yes, no im not crazy.

After i arrived i went to his room

I looked at his stuff

I dont know what im doing , i just want to see his stuff

I found a box under his bed ! I opened it wela alot of pictures of me!! And some of them me fay and him! This is so cute.

Then i saw a small note

Here whats it saying

' i loved you from the first sight, i wanted to tell you this, actually i hope you'll see it ,

I left you because of your dad and of course you remember! Lulu, i left you. Get it? '

What does that mean!!!! He's alive? No, impossible.

I took the box and went home

Hide it under my bed

I told dana and fay everything

Dana: impossible!

Me: madri, its scary!

Dana: i think ktbah gbel la ytwfa !

Me: i dont know ..


Fay: WTFF! He's alive?

Me: i wish

Fay: well he said ' he left you ' because of your dad

Me: i have no idea ! I want him

Fay: wala ma yndara, but im telling you, SCARY

I opened my laptop , decided to go to kuwait after 6 days

I called my dad and told them everything

Dad: walla ma yndara! Laish twch tgouleenn

Me: i was scared !

Dad: enzain sh9ar gblha?

I told him what happened in the hospital

Dad: 3uqqmm!!!! Entaayy mn 9jch?

Me: ee yuba wala

Dad: ana lazm akalm ahala bacher blzwara

Me: khla9 okay ou gouly shi9er

Dad: enshallah yala m3a elslama

After 1 day

I went to starbucks

I sat there reading a book and having my mocha

My phone rang, it was from dad

Me: hala baba
What! Mn 9jk!!


  1. Amazing as usual, I hope Aziz is the one that's gonna meet her in Lego :(( I really want him to be alive uff :(

  2. :C SHORT! But amazing~

  3. LOVED itttt please postt aasapp <3
