Tuesday 30 October 2012

Once in a lifetime part 18

i checked my twitter a new dm from wahab and dana

wahab: lulu im sorry

me: laish 3la shnu?

dana: 36tch 3umrha

me: mnuu??? shsalfa !!

dana: 6a7at el6yara, obouch bl3naya ou omich ... twfat


dana: estghfrallah ..


suddenly everything was blurry and my head was turning around and around till i fainted ..

fay: lulu ! lulu are you awake?

me: 9ij omy twfat

fay: ee lulu, allah yrr7amha

i cried so hard !and fay hugged me .. i dont know what to do without my mom !

aziz: allah yr7amha, crying is not gonna change anything, mshay dmou3ch

by the end of the day i went home and i was so desperate

fay: aziz you can sleep with us

aziz: is lulu ok with it?

me: ee 3ady ..

aziz: sure thanks

at 3:00 am i woke up, fay and aziz were sleeping ..

so i checked twitter ..


khaled: 3athm allah ajrch lulu x

me: ajrna ou ajrek ma tg9er !

and a dm from wahab

wahab: lulu !

me: n3am

wahab: why are you mad at me?

me: stfu wahab !

wahab: lulu ma tgdren tyen elkuwait?

me: la ma agdar ! 3endi 3mlya b3d 5 days tqreban ou 3ndi mwa3id

wahab: oh, enshallah khair ..

me: enshallah ..

i really wante to go to kuwait but i cant ! abe arou7 el3aza, i want to see dad ! ughh i'm falling apart !

i went to the kitchen i was so hungry so i grabbed me chips and sat in the living room doing nothing but crying ..

suddenly i heard a door opened and it was 3ziz ! i get up the couch and saw him

aziz: lulu shfeech tbchen ou ga3da !

i went to him and hugged him so tight and he kissed my forehead ..

aziz: awdech darich wla eb tg3den bel 9ala?

me: abe aga3id fay bs 7aram ..

aziz: ween eb tg3den? tben ag3dch wyach hne?

me: yes please till i sleep

aziz: okay sure

i grabbed my blanket and pillow , laid on the couch while he sat in an another chair and opened the television

tomorrow morning ..

aziz: lulu goumay wrana mw3id
luluu yala goumayy eklay

fay: heew ya 7mara i made bacon your favourite with maple syrup

me: thankyou fayouna .. 3ziz nemt?

aziz: yeahh

me: wain !

aziz: fougch! 3al qnfa ele ga3d feha y3ne wein

me: haha chub ..

fay: ee ou khleteni brou7y

me: shut up i was scared !

after breakfast ..

me: wait ! mw3ed shnu? ana mw3di bacher !

aziz: ee adry bs 3shan ag3dch

me: ughh ..

we didnt go out today ..
afternoon all of my aunts and friends called me ..

wahab&aseel's pov

wahab: aseel i wanna see you !

aseel: way wahabi i wish but i cant b6al3 wya khaled

wahab: WHO'S KHALED?

aseel: wee ambaih sorry i meant my friend khloud*

wahab: eee okayy .. ou meta btrou7en

aseel: umm b3d shwy

wahab: ee okay take care
aseel: enshallah


i changed my clothes called my friend to go to slider station

we arrived to slider station

abdullah ' wahab's friend ' : oukkhh 6ale3 hathy tyaanneennn

wahab: mnuu waain

abdullah: hathy ele 3al ymeen

wahab: ele labsa bluee? waaaai3

abdullah: la ya 7maarr !! ele labsa red wyaha wa7ed

wahab: HATHY ASEEL !!!!!!!!

abdullah: aa777 e7leefff

wahab: ayaa bent elkalb ! many mfshlha .. bs ana awreha belbait

my side ..

dana sent me a direct message told me what happened to wahab

me: walla a7san ! allah ma yr'9a ou shnu swa?

dana: ma swa shey .. bs gal lmn yrid elbait ywreha

me: oh malt chan fshlha

dana: how are you feeling now 7abebty?

me: desperate

dana: i feel you ..

i told her everything about aziz ! every single word


me: ikrrr??

dana: aahhh my god !!


fay: ana brou7 jm3ya taboun shey?

me: bs jm3ya?

fay: ee laish b3d wain

me: la bs as2al ! take care love

fay: you too !


me: aziz what are you doing?

aziz: cleaning !

me: 3aziz thankyou for staying and helping i really appreciate

aziz: noneed, ma tbeen t6l3en?

me: no, maly khlg ..  i just wish im in kuwait

aziz: me too, bs we cant

me: yeah .. aziz enta swait your surgery? ou wein your cancer?

aziz: not yet .. demagh !!

me: OHH MY GOD ! 3yal metaa??

aziz: after 2 weeks

me: ou are you okay?

aziz: as long as im taking me medicine and very okay

me: 7mdalah !


 a new dm from wahab and he told me everything too and apologized

wahab: lulu abeech !!

me: wahab mabeek !!

wahab: ee laish ya3ne ! mu taris 3ainch?

me: ee mu taris 3ainy ou i love someone else

wahab: MNU !!

me: malek shghel !!

wahab: mashy lulu.

wahab&aseel's pov


wahab: we're over bit*h

aseel: what did i do !

wahab: slider? wya khaled?

aseel: shdrak !!!

wahab: cuz i was there !

and she deleted me ..

my side ..

aziz: lulu

me: hala

aziz: bgoulch shey bs akhaf

me: laish shd3wa ! goul

aziz: lulu i love you ..


1 comment:

  1. OMGGGGG ur story is waww <3 if she gonna say i love you too? will one of them die? please post asap :D
