Saturday 20 October 2012

Once in a lifetime part 13

i went to my room , i wore my warm soft pink pj's and laid on my comfy warm bed

dm, me and dana

dana sent me a picture saying ' hatha? '

me: eeeeeeee!!!!!!

dana: wooow shaal 9dfaa! shtklmtaw 3anaa

me: wana gbl shwy shgelt?

dana: oh , shdraaane nsaait

me: anyways, gn

dana: gn -.-

yeah i didnt sleep, i was thinkingg about everything til its 12:00 then i fell asleep..

tomorrow morning

mom: yala lulu goumay 3shan taklen ou n6la3

me: uff


me: swetaw akel?

mom: laa al7en bnswe

me: elsa3a chm al7en

mom: 8:30

me: OU MG3DENI AL7EEN !! yma , please awl ma tklh9oun ryoug g3deni !!

mom: enzain bs 3l aqal rou7ay el7mam lebsay ou reday namay

me: enzain

i wore my clothes, finished everything and went to bed again
after i woke up and we had breakfast then we went to oxford street ..

after shopping we sat in paul

me: meta b3dain 3endi mw3id?

dad: esbou3 elyay , akhir youm bnkoun wyach

me: oh, okay , laish ma nrou7 cinema al7en

mom: ay film

me: umm a monster in paris , animation

dad: men meta tshofen cartoon

me: shakla 7lw ! yala khl nrou7

mom: aku cinema greba 3laina?

dad: madry bs t3alaw ndawer

we found a cinema , booked 3 tickets for the movie after lunch

2 hours later ..


dad: 9ra7a ana mlait

mom: khl nrou7 ntghda al7en ay shey b3dain cinema ou ana brou7 westfiled btyoun?

dad: etha westfield 3yal okay , tyeen lulu?

me: ana maby maly khlg, t3abt

mom: okay khla9 ana ou obouch nrou7 wntay g3day erta7ay

after lunch we went to the cinema ..

at the cinema ..

me: brou7 el7mam

mom: edleen? tbeni aye wyach?

me: la adel ou mu lazm

mom: okay

i lied  , i didnt want to go to the bathroom .. i want to go to hyde park maybe i'll see 3aziz there !

i went to hyde park and trying to remember where were we sitting yesterday ..


yeah b3d ma lgaita mom called

me: alo


me: hyde park


me: twne wa9la,

sdta eb wayhe ..

3ziz: heeyy

me: oh heey

3ziz: shlounch

me: tmam ! so kelyoum tye?

3ziz: tqreban ! you?

me: yeah its my fav place

3ziz: me too

me: 3ziz you know dana from aum?

3ziz: dana !! umm dana al***

me: YES!

3ziz: laish? ou how do you know her?

me: she's my cousin

3ziz: oh wow ! can i ask you a question?

me: tfthal

3ziz: how old are you

me: 21 ! you

3ziz: 24

me: oh kubir ukho dana

3ziz: wahab?

me: you know him too?

3ziz: eee myy best friend !

me: shal 9edfa

we chatted about family cousins etc ....

my dad called

me: alo

dad: lulu yala t3alay elbait e7na eb n6la3

me: ok bye


me: lazm arid elbait al7en

3ziz: wain baitkum?

me: ****

3ziz: ahaa, do you have twitter?

me: yes

3ziz: can you follow me? @*****

me: okay, yala bye

3ziz: bye !

after i arrived home i took a loooooonngg hot bathh

i was home alone so i decided to take some money and go to the supermarket to buy me some junk food ...

im outside kuwait so i wear and do whatever i want , i was freezing so i went to the supermarket with my blanket ...

everyone was staring at me like im a freak or something .. xD

i bought all the stuff i want and i was holding 5 plastic bags ... yes, very heavy !

man: can i help you?


the man in a shocked look: sure ...

after we arrived home i thank him and gave him some money ..

i spent the night watching movies and eating .. i wish fay and haya were here .. i miss them

i checked twitter, i had a new direct message ...



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