Tuesday 6 November 2012

Once in a lifetime part 24

' hey lulu , im sorry about everything .. walla wallaaa sorry !! madry shlloun swait chthy .. bs please accept my request eb twitter ou i'll explain everything '

and its from haya ! my old best friend.. i deleted the question and accepted her request and i fell asleep ..

the next morning i woke up , fay was still sleeping ! oh .. its 7:00 ! so i decided to surprise them by making breakfast .. then at 8:00 breakfast is done so i decided to wake them up ..

me: fay

fay: haaaa way3aaa

me: yala goumay i made breakfast

fay: haa? am i dreaming? chm elsa3a

me: no , i really made breakfast gmt 7 now its 8 yalaaa


me: 3ziz wake up!

aziz: haa shnu laaish

me: i made breakfast yala

aziz: 9dmat 7yaati! but yeah sure..

me: chubaaaw enta ou fay m9domeen

aziz: i dont blame her

after breakfast we changed to go out for a walk ..

2 hours of walking ..

fay: ygolon ene t3abt a9ln laish gam namshi !

me: bs chthy mako shghel nrou7 namshi ! shnu tben nsawi y3ne

fay: ay shey wnasa


aziz: ana 3ndi shey

fay: aah okkk tklaam !

aziz: barbecue tonight ou nswe bone fighr

fay: allaah yabelaaa

me: ee wallaaa ! bs meta? naby nswy shey al7en

aziz: awl shey t3rfoun mukan 3nda 7alal meat and chicken?

fay: eeee a3arf mukan ! kna nrou7la gbl

aziz: ee yala emshay nrou7 !

after we went to buy meat, chicken and shrimps .. we arrived home

as always fay and aziz were cooking lunch and i was tweeting .. then i received a new dm


haya: will you forgive me?


me: i need some time to think ! its hard to forgive

haya: take your time ! and i'm sorry about what happened to you and everything

me: its okay ..

i told fay what just happened


me: ee ambe 7ada

aziz: 7ram 3laikum

fay: enta ma tadri shsalfa fa chub !

aziz: asf.

after lunch we took a nap as always ... our daily routine

my phone was vibrating .. i checked it and it was my doctor .. he was calling !

me: hey doc

doc: hey lulu ! i think you know that your operation is after 2 days !

me: yeah why?

doc: you have to come tomorrow

me: okay sure

doc: and by saying you have to come tomorrow is that you have to sleep in the hospital

me: ohh yeahh okayy i will

fay and aziz woke up .. aziz prepared the grilling .. me and fay and meats

it was funn the three of us were grilling !

then we were roasting marshmallow and saying scary stories .. LOL

at 11:00 fay slept and aziz went to his apartment and i was in the living room watching tv ..

and a dm from wahab !

wahab: hey

me: what?

wahab: i love youu my future wife

law kan jedami i'd kill him ! enf9am 100%

me: enta feek enf9am ! bye

i saw aziz's phone ! wow he forgot it ..

i decided to look inside his phone !

i know im going to make something bad bs feni fthoul . LOL

i was shocked !!!!


i know its kinda short but still better then nothing !
part 25 is tomorrow enshallah ..

and like always on weekends i always post 2 parts aday so dont worry :*