Thursday 15 November 2012

Once in a lifetime part 29

wahab: ana na6er hal 9bay mn b6nch enshallah


me: eeeh enshala

dad: eee enshalaahh !

wahab stared at me ou chna be9kni bux


wahab: you'll regret it !!

aziz: nshouuff !


dad: yala e7na mashyen, entay namay ou bacher elthher ra7 t6l3en enshallah

me: enshallah, bye guys

im not sleepy , i was alone ! im scared of wahab, what is he going to do to dana and aziz? !!

thinking thinking ... till i fell asleep !

...: wake up, its your day!

me: what?

nurse: you're going home now honey ! your daddy is waiting outside

me: okay

i ran to my dad and my lovely husband wahab was theree !! i hugged him sooo tight


me: SHIIIITT !!! shall 7eelmm, a3outh belllaaa !!

...: ay 7elm?

me: ent shyabek hnee !!

wahab: watching you sleeping

me: GET OUT!

wahab: im your future husband ! la tkhafen !

me: this is a dream, im going to bed

wahab: you you have to, goodnight



me: laaa t9rkheeen yaa zzeeeeeeeftttt i hate yooouu

fay: i dooooont care elmuhim ra7 t6l3eeen yallaaaaa

me: enzaaaaaaiiiin

dad: jahza kel aghrathch?

me: yeah i guess mu jhztaw kel aghrathy ams?

dad: ee ok!

i woke up , wore my cloothhesss! i misssss... and i finally got out and we all went to have lunch and celebrate !

it was soooo funn !

i was sitting next to aziz and fay , and what? wahab was staring .... he's scaaary !

after lunch we all went home !

instead of home sweet home, bed sweet bedd !! and i took a naaapp

aziz: wakeup!
lulu wakeup bsr3aa
yaaaaa !!

me: gemmtt geemmtt !! what time is it?

aziz: its 2:00 am

me: wow! fe a7d ga3d?

aziz: no ! bs ana

me: wnta shyabek hne?

aziz: men elwindow, elmuhim t3alay entay ou kamblch t7at bel garden

me: omg, okayy

we went outside the garden and all i can see is? SNOOOWW !!!

me: allaaaaah !!! metaa 6aagg, 3ajeeeeeeb

aziz: elmaaghrbb

me: wannaaasaaa let'ss plaayy

me and aziz played snow fight, and made a tiny snowman ! he's such a sweett !!! i love himmm

aziz: namay 3ndi!

me: whaaatt?? nowaayy !!

aziz: yala please !!

me: wtha dwraw 3lay ou ma lgounii !!!

aziz: we'll come up with an excuse !

me: umm i dont knoww ...

aziz: please bs today!

me: okay okayy !

i went to his apartment, its very small ! with what? one room

me: ana bnam bl couch

aziz: la ana, entay eb dary !

me: la fshla its your apartment !

aziz: ana a7eb anam 3al couch

me: ummm ok

i slept in his room and he slept in the couch ...

tdroun shnu elsurprise? mako cliffhanger:::

i know g9eer but a7san mn wla shey :*


  1. Thanks for the chapter ;*

  2. Post soooooooon! 7ail gseer:(

  3. I was a silent reader,can't wait for the next chaper please don't be late! Post it tonight
