Wednesday 10 October 2012

Once in a lifetime part 7

after 1 day we went to the hospital ..

mom: ha doctor bashir? enshala mafeha ela el3afya

dr: aah .. awl shey bentch feha 7aysh'ha eating disorder ou faqer dam! and fehaa

mom: shfehaa?

dr: cancer

mom: shako ! cancer wain??

dr: youm swenalha ex-ray 6la3 breast cancer !

mom: bentii !! laishh mn shnuu !!

i was standing looking at the doctor like nothing happened ...

mom: enzain shnu el7al? shnu el3laj

dr: feha 3mlya

mom: doctor ana lazm akalem obouha ou nshouf !

dr: bs lazm bacher t36oni khabar

mom: bacher bnrou7 shalaih !

dr: khla9 hach hatha raqmi ou lazm awl ma tklmeno obouha goulely shi9er lana hathy feha 7yat ou mout

mom: ok doctor mshkour yala m3a elslama

after we arrived home my mom went to my dad alone to talk to him about my cancer , and everything

i want to tell someone what and how i feel ... but i dont have anybody ! im falling apart ..

i prepared my things for tomorrow , took a shower and laid on my bed thinking about my life ..
am i going to die or am i going to live? ...
after thinking i slept

tomorrow morning my mom woke me up and it was 1:00

mom: lulu 7abebty goumay ! jhazt mlabsch ele ra7 tlbsenhum ou blsyara bnklmch ana ou obouch

me: enshalllah mama

i changed and wore my red abercrombie and fitch training with grey uggs, applied mascara and red lipstick , my hair was straight

in the car

dad: lulu elyoum el9b7 ana ou omch re7na elmustashfa

me: ou sh9ar?

dad: Mmm..

me: yba shfeek?

mom: ra7 nrou7 london t3aljen hnak ..

me: laish hnak? laish b3eed? laish mu bel kuwait

dad: lana omch klmat khaltch om wahab ou rfejt'ha kan feha breast cancer 3aljat eb london ou kan a7san mustashfa ou 3laj hnak

me: ou meta ra7 nrou7? enzain ou dirasty?

dad: youm ela7d ra7 nklmhum lana elyoum 7jazna 7g youm elkhmees esbou3 elyay

me: ou shkthir ra7 ng3ad?

mom: 3ad hne madry .. ymkn 3-4 months

me: umm .

after we arrived we saw grandpa , grandma, my aunts and their kids .. we had lunch

i saw my cousin ' dana, wahab's sister ' she's kinda close to me but not that much

dana: heeyy luluu

me: hey dano shlonch

dana: tmam wntaay

me: tmam

dana: yala t3alay ntmsha

me: ou the other girls?

dana: waih khlehum skhafa

me: um okay kaifch LOL

we were walking and chatting then suddenly i told dana about my cancer


me: ......

dana: ambaaih lulu !!

me: yeah ..

dana: have fun al7en ou la tshelen ham

me: enshallah

dana: ela shlon dana ou hayona

me: ....

dana: ohh, okay fhamt ... im sorry

me: its okay

my mom called us to come ,

me: hala mama

mom: fee bageyat tboun tro7on elkel berou7

me: ee yala okay

we all went to play bageyat

wahab: akeed lulu ma t3arif tsoug

me: haha a3arif bs khafeef

dana: shouf 3ad wahabo la tswe nafsek ana ele a3ariff ou madry shnuu haaa

wahab: entay chub chub

amna ' other cousin ': hi lulu

- i hate her , she's such a show off !

me: hey amna

amna: shd3wa la slam wla klam

me: you too

amna: 3ndch twitter

me: ou mnu ma3inda

amna: hach my account @xxxx

me: okay followed you

dad: ana abe lulu terkab wray

me: ee yalaa okaayy

wahab: laaish wya obouch laish mu wyay

i didnt say anything .. just a fake smile

after bagy we returned to our chalet

mama ruqaya: haaa seggtaaw syayeer

we all laughed at her

dana: esmaa bagyy mu syaraa

mama ruqaya: a9lan law kentay saygen syaraa ahwan mu bagy mafeh shey 7emayaa , walaaa

mom: ee 9a7 bs bagy mu 3umir mu7adad bs syara 18

me: waih malaat , shal qanon law ana chan bagy mamnou3 ou syaraaa mn 10

she's so funny and sweet !! ou wayed tt7l6am LOL

after we were barbecuing

mama ruqaya: beaaarl

me: shnuu?

mama ruqaya: ee entaay lulu !!

me: aaaaah pearlll okaayyy , ee halaa

mama ruqaya: rou7ay elm6bakh fe chees azrag yebeeh

me: shnu feeh?

mama ruqaya: lmn tyebena agoulch

i went to the kitchen to bring what mama ruqaya wants and i saw wahab

wahab: lulu

me: hala

wahab: abe akalmch shwy



  1. New reader and this is amaziinnggg :D please post asap <3

    1. Thaankyoou im glaad love <3 minutes and i'll post dear
