Friday 19 October 2012

Once in a lifetime part 12

we went to the airport and arrived there at 4:45
finally it was 6:00 and we got in our plane

after a long 6 hours we finaly reached london its 10:00 o'clock there and we went to our house .. yes we have a house there..

me: you3ana

dad: enshallah b3d shwy nakel

me: okaayy

mom: yala t3alay darich khl n3del elaghrath

me: lazm al7en?

mom: ee lazm yala 3shan nrou7 nakel

dad:ana agoul entaw 7e6aw elaghrath wana arou7 ayeb akel al7en lany dayekh


mom: ee bs la tnamoun wayed 3shan naby n6la3

dad: la7gaaa la7gaa

mom loves shopping SO MUCH

after everything we slept

we woke up at 2:00

mom: yala goumaw lebsaw khl n6la3

dad: bsmallah ! khl nrou7 awl shey elmustashfaa

mom: ee 9a7 yala khl nrou7

me: b3eed?

dad: la mu wayed ymkn n9 sa3a

me: ollaaa yala khl albis ou nrou7 bsr3a ambaih maly khlg

i changed and we all went to the train traffic and finally we arrived to the hospital after 35 minutes

they gave me some medicines and checked on me ...

after the hospital we went to westfield mall

me: you3ana khl nakel

mom: twna mtrygeen !

me: tryagne gbl 5 hours

dad: ee yala ana b3d you3an khl nakel bs wain taboun


mom: ee yala 3ad yabela

we had lunch at yo sushi and went shopping ..

me: khl nrou7 hyde park

mom: laa b3d shopping

me: la mama bas its 6 now khl nrou7 nghayer jaw

dad: ana 3ady arou7 bs tt7mlon elbard?

mom: ee 6b3an

me: ee 3ady elmhm nrou7

we went to hyde park mom and dad were sitting chatting and i was walking then suddenly i bumped a guy's back ..

me: ops sorry

boy: its okay ...

he's handsome and cuttttte too  !! but with shaved hair ..

dad: yala lulu bnrou7

me: rou7aw

mom: haw wntay?

me: ma mlait .. please entaw rou7aw ana adel

dad: akeed?

me: yess

mom: enzain bs khalay telephonch wyach

me: enshallah

i laid on the green grass
checked twitter and i had 3 direct messages and one of them is from fay

fay: luuluu please 6amneni 3laaich

me: im okay

dana: heeeeww luluu i miss you alreadyyy

me: i miss you more love

wahab: talk to me when you see this ..

me: what?

wahab: are you mad at me?

me: no why

wahab: nevermind

me: shloun your love

wahab: n3m?

me: shlounha?

wahab: mnu ehya

me: aseel

wahab: ttyl .

faka, i dont feel like talking to him !!

i got up then suddenly the boy who i bumped laid .. but he wasnt next to me

i saw him eating pills , the ones that i have !!

me: excuse me

boy: yes?

me: are you okay?

boy: yeah why?

me: do youu have cancer?

boy: yeah how did you know?

me: your hair is shaved, and i have these pills

boy: you too?

me: yeah ..

boy: get well soon, since when?

me: i dont know maybe 2 weeks ago or 3? and you?

boy: about a month

me: so are you from london?

boy: no, kuwait !

me: ana b3ad !!

boy: this is awkwardd

me giggling: eeeeh

boy: ana 3ziz

me: lulu

3ziz: 3ashat elasami

me: 3ashat ayamek

3ziz: ay hospital trou7en?

me: the  ******* hospital

3ziz: oh ana b3d, see you there !  btw, wya mnu entay hne

me: parents, you?

3ziz: alone

me: oh, i should go now

3ziz: nice to meet you

me: you too

i gotta feeling that this is the boy who dana was talking about yesterday
i checked twitter i had a new dm from dana


me: ENTAAYY !!! danoooo

dana: haaa

i told her about 3ziz

dana: ooh 7elfay ! chan 9wrteh 3shan ashouf etha ehwa wla la ! wainch entay al7en

me: ana brou7 elhotel al7en y3ne 6la3t mn hyde park

dana: uffff 7safa, lmn tshofena again 9wreeh plllllllz

me: okaayy LOL

dana&wahab's pov

wahab: DANO YA 7MARAA !!!

dana: way3a shnu

wahab: shako tgoulen 7g lulu ene a7eb aseel !!!

dana: chthy wela chthy ra7 t3arf ou laish ma agoul? enta mu mswe shey ghl6

wahab: ufffff !!!!

dana: does she love you?

wahab: i dont know ! i wanna ask her

dana: no, i will

wahab: shbtgoulen?

dana: i'll help you

wahab: oh yeah, okay! thanks i guess

my pov

after i arrived home it was 8:00 mom and dad were cooking dinner

me: ana bs ashofkum takloun ma tswoun shey ghair akel

mom: b3d obouch mashallah 3laih bs yabe yakel nawy ykhl9 elakel 3laich

me: la shd3wa khu yayben wayed

dad: eeee 9aaa7

me: ma klmtaw a7d?

mom: embala klamna mma ruqaya ou okhouch

me: ah , shkthir ra7 tg3doun?

dad: 1 week

me: oh .. ana bnam

mom: eklay awal b3dain namay

me: la mo yo3ana

dad: okay kaifch

i went to my room , i wore my warm soft pink pj's and laid on my comfy warm bed

dm, me and dana

dana sent me a picture saying ' hatha? '