Friday 5 October 2012

Once in a lifetime part 2

a new day

i woke up at 7:00 changed my clothes and wore white shirt with aqua blue skirt and black flats
applied eyeliner and pink gloss and my hair was wavy

i went to the dining room to eat breakfast with my family

mom: lulu 7abebty ana elyoum bkalem om 3bdallah ou ashouf wein nswi 3rsch ou meta

dad: enzain bs lulu wein taben eb 9ala wla hotel?

me: umm hotel? sawouh eb holiday inn el9ala kbera ou 7elwa

mom: 9iij? khl ashouf om 3bdallah arou7 wyaha ou agoulch shi9eer

me: enshallah ymma

mohamed: meta your class?

me: aah 8

mohamed: enzain rou7ay al7en ma shba3tay ya ba66a?

me: heeey esket enta ba6a , yalaa ana mashyaa

mom&dad: allah wyaach

i kissed my mom and dad's forehead and went to gust

-fay tyabeb-

haya: kaahyyy el3rooous

me: ambee sekkttaww yaa fthee77aa

fay: ttzwjen gblna wntay a9ghar w7daa haa

haya: eee 9aa7 qlaatt adaabb

me: shtbooooun

haya: nbeech tro7en your clas cuz its 8:05

me: AAAH ambee okay okay byeeeee

i entered the class

dr: you're late

me: just 5 minutes

dr: okay sit

after class i sat in red mango waiting haya and fay

suddenly i heard somone is whispering in my ear saying ' come with me im taking you out '

i turned and it was khaled !!

me: ha ! enta shloun dshait ! tadris hne?

khaled: eee bs akeed wla mra shfteni , bs ana mraaqqbch

me: oh my god stalkerr ! wein btwdeni?

khaled: trygtay? shkletay?

me: ee, toast

khaled: emshay bwdeech avenues lenotre

me: bs im waiting my friends !

khaled: tell them b6l3ch ana gelt 7g omch ou obouch

me: okaayy

this iss sooo romantic <3

we arrived to the avenues and went to lenotre

i ate just 1 pancake with maple syrup and khaled ate pancakes and some stuff

khaled: bss 1?

me: yeaah ma7b akel wayedd

khaled: hmm wana agoul you're body is perfect

me: thaankku

khaled: yala emshay, wein tbeen trou7en?

me: ummm madryy ay mukan

khaled: okay ana bwdeech boss ou fe 2 shirts both of them 7elwen ou madry shakhth so you pick

me: okkay

he showed me 2 shirts one of them is blue and the other one is orange

me: oraange is nice wayed 7elwa

khaled: thankyou 3yal khl akhth'ha

he is so sweet <3

at 12 he arrived me home then i saw mom

mom: t3allaayy hnee

me: enzain bs khl abdeell

mom: la laa makoo t3alay al7een

me: laish ymaa shfeech sh9aayyer

i sit next to mom

mom: haa sh9aar?

me: shnu wein?

mom: khaled wein wdach?

me: oooh eeee avenues ou lenotre ! mamaa walaa eyanen 7baaita

mom: ashwaa 7mdallah ! enzain tara ana klamt om 3bdallah ou khla9 eb holiday in b3d 2 weeks

me: 2 weeks? mu shwya?

mom: bs hatha ele feeh lana elbaje 2 months ou akthaar fa bs laish n6wel

me: ee okaayy !

mom: ou bacher aw ele 3ugba bnshtrelch elnfnouf ou ele ngdar 3laih

me: enshallahh

i went to my room and wore my pj .. i sent the the invitations for my friends to come and took a nap

after i woke up i changed my clothes and went to gust

haya: howwww  is heeeee?

me: hee's soooo sweeet ambbeeee

fay: abeee ma3nda brothers?

me: thgglaaay embala 3nda 1 bs mtzwj ou 1 sister , tbenha?

fay: waai33 chubb lulwo

me: madry 3nch, khu n6rayy

fay: yeah yeah, elmhm gbl la trou7en class elyoum elsa3a 8 khl n6l3 nt3sha eb maki ana wntay ou hayo

haya: ee ana adry so bye 3ndi class

me: ee okay khlaa9


after class i arrived home and told mom and dad to go out with haya and fay

dad: ee okay rou7ay bs derbaalch

mom: allah wyach 7abebty

i went to my room and saw ranya and rawan are in my room sleeping !


dalal: eee ambeee sorrrryyy makanw yboun enamoun 3ndi madry laish fa galaw yaboun 3nd nana lulu

me: oh ! bs ana makent hnee

dalal: ee madry laish !

me: ee khla9 okaay khleehum

dalal: mashkoura walla


we arrived to maki and ordered

a new direct message on twitter from khaled

khaled: ele kntay labsta elyoum mabe ashoufa b3d

me: laish shfeh ! ni9 chim ou tall skirt

khaled: no ma tlbsen skirt wla ni9 chim

me: 3yal shalbs?

khaled: ay shey ghair ni9 chim ekoun a6wal ou bs kla bn6ronat no skirts

me: ok, enshallah

hmmm ok not sweet .. :c


after maki i arrived home and slept

today is friday so no gustt yaaay !! but i have to wake up early to go out with mom

mom: yalaa lulu goumay elsa3a 10 ma9art kela noumm
yalaaa luluuu shaal noumm meta naaima amss

me: halaa halaaaa ymaa

mom: wakheeran gemtay ! yala 7abebty goumay lbsay elsa3a 10 bnrou7 nshouflch nfnouf

me: eee kaa okay al7en ka gemt

mom: 7ata ma tdren shtgoulen, yala 7abebty bsr3a ana albis 3baty ou na6rtch blsyara bara

i quickly changed and wore red hollister shirt with navy sweatpants and navy toms

i entered the car

mom: y3ne hathy mlabis w7da eb ttzwaj

me: eee ymma b3d y3ne hatha bsr3aa

mom: enzain enzain sktay yala khl nrou7

me: yala sougay !

mom: ee 9a7, chubay lulu


we went to 36O mall and i bought a shiny hot cocktail white dress and accessories from cartier

then we went home

dad: tara elyoum om 3bdallah 3azmtna 3la bait'hum ghada

mom: y36eha el3afya ma tga9ir bs meta

dad: madry y3ne elsa3a 1:30

mom: ee khla9 enshallah


i checked twitter and i saw something i didnt expect it ....

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