Monday 31 December 2012

Once in a lifetime part 50 ' Final '

so this is the last chapter, hope you enjoyed the story as much as i enjoyed writing it and thankyou for all your supports i love you all <3 and dont forget to leave a comment !

twitter: @ItsJelicious

me: omg!!
enta mn ween dshait
ambaih e6la3 braa
l7aad yshofeekk
ommmmggg tklaaaamm

3ziz: shfech khayfa? elkel nayem

me: shyabek hnee? mn weenlek 3nwan baitna? ambaih 3ziz e6la3

he slapped me but not hard ..

aziz: OSH

me: hey!

aziz: a7bch

me: ambaaaih 3ziz e6la3

aziz: lulu bs chub la kaf thane

me: ok ok ..

aziz: calm down ..

he was staring at me and kissed me

me: aziz ana khayfa

aziz: mn shnu

me: mara7 akoun 7agek

aziz: embala

me: shloun shdrak !

aziz: adre

me: a7!!! eb ttzwjne blsirr???

aziz: waai3 lulu chub enzaaain?

me: fiiiine, yala rou7 abe anam

aziz: la ana abe ashoufch

me: shbtsweee!!

aziz: kaaifyy shteeen

me: ambaih okay okay bs la tswe shey!

aziz: many mswy shey 7laya wayhch

me: goodnightt!

aziz: a7bch !

me: ana akthar

aziz: goodnight

i woke up it was 4:00

aziz was sleeping in my couch

i took a shower, yes wayed fathya ..

then i went back to sleep. chne 7lmana::::

at 10:00

i woke up , aziz wasnt there !

i went downstairs and found dalal

dalal: yala lbsay bnrou7 al7en

me: laish wayed mbchir

dalal: yalaaaaa

me: enzaaain!

i went to my room , changed my clothes and arrived to alfanar

Me: daloul mlabis 7g shnu?

Dalal: 3ndi 7fla

Me: ee okk

I saw an amazing cocktail red dress

Me: allah laish ma takhthen hatha eyanen!

Dalal: balla hatha bekafe?

Me: weh 9a7 entay 7amel , enzain khlehum yf9lonlch

Dalal: la 3ndhum jahzen ana sa2lt'hum

Me: ee zein

Dalal bought the red dress and another pink one for here

Me: 7g mnu elthane?

Dalal: elpink 7ge

Me: la ela7mar

Dalal: yala emshay t2khrna

Me: okaayy!

We bought shoes too.

After then we arrived home

I went to my room and checked twitter

A new dm from khaled !! ' my ex '

Khaled: shlonch lulu?

Me: tmaaam!!

Khaled: tra mabe shey bs 7bait as2al

Me: ee okay mshkour

My phone rang, unknown number!

Me: alo

Unknown: lulu?

Me: ee mnu?

Unknown: 3ash mn sma3 9outch

Me: hayaa?

Haya: yes!

Me: shloonchh!

Haya: tmaam wntay

Me: 7mdallah

Haya: bgoulch shey

Me: golayy

Haya: ana 7amel

Me: 7lfay! Mn mnu!

Haya: mn khaled !

Me: tben tgoulenla?

Haya: shswy b3d gh9bn 3lay

Me: hmmm okay

We started chatting about alot of things

Haya: khla9 tbeni amir 3laich 3al 1?

Me: ee khla9 okay

Haya: yala bye

So at 1 we're going to have lunch at johnny rockets


Aziz: good morning

Me: goodmorning! Mta r7t?

Aziz: hmm around 6

Me: fe a7d shafek?

Aziz: no

Me: ee zein

Mohamed&aziz's pov

Mohamed: ha dlait baitna?

Aziz: ee 7mdallah ou dshait b3d

Mohamed: lulu kant ga3d tkaalmek enttt!! M9khara sma3t'ha shwy ou tbche


My side:

I called fay

Fay: slaam

Me: ahhlaan, fayuu

Fay: haa

Me: tbeen elsaan?


Me: hahaa

Fay: yala shtben

Me: n6la3 nt3sha bara?

Fay: ok wein?

Me: umm kaifch

Fay: nrou7 360? Mshtahya wagamama

Me: ok khla9

I was bored so i decided to call aziz

Aziz: alo

Me: aziz im scared

Aziz: laish?

Me: kalem obouy!

Aziz: khla9 lulu its too late , elkel klama rasa yabis ou ra7 tnkh6bain bacher lazm t7awlen tnseni


Aziz: entay tgoulen must7eel bs ra7 tgdren!

Me: la walla magdar!

Aziz: btshofen

Me: yala bye

I cried so hard till i fell asleep

I woke up , it was 12:45, i changed my clothes and went downstairs

Dad: ween 3la allah?

Me: brou7 wya haya

Dad: okk allah wyakum

Haya called:

Me: barra?

Haya: yala

Me: ok bye

We arrived to johnny

We talked about everythinnggg!!
I missed her, i really do!

After 2 hours i arrived home

Me: slam

Dad: slam, 3ndch shey tlbsena 7g bacher?

Me: la laish?

Dad: la bs at2kad, khla9 rou7ay

Me: ok

I went to my room and saw a big box on my bed

There was a small note written on it
' you're gonna wear this, dont worry '

I opened it wela its the red dress,

I found a small note too written on it

' whats gonna happen to you tomorrow? Its once in a lifetime '

I didnt get the last one! But i loved the dress!

I tried it and it looks perfect

Aziz called

Me: alo

Aziz: shfech?

Me: nothing

Aziz: enzain, t3alay bara

Me: bara ween ou laish?

Aziz: baitkum, yala bsr3a

Me: ok!

I went outside and saw him

Me: shtabe?

Aziz: mskay hal chees, la tb6lena ela bacher

Me: shm3na?

Aziz: l2na ana gelt ok?

Me: hmm okk

He left .

Ughhh im dying to know whats in the bag!

I took a nap ..


Me: Aked fay..

Fay: yes love

Me: wde asbch, SHTBEEEEN!!!

Fay: yalaaaa lbsaaay khl nroo7 360

Me: waaih maly khlgg tkfain rou7ay s2lay dalal swat 3asha? 3ad aklha 3jeb

Fay: zg fech, enzain

Fay: eeeee mswya lasagna yalaa emshaaayyy baaakeeelll

Me: enzaaaaaain

After dinner

Fay: tra bnam 3ndch

Me: sh7ga? Shbtswen?

Fay: kaify, 7mdallah wshkr

Me: fine

At 11 we slept

But before i sleep


Aziz: ily goodnight

Me: iay! Gn x

Tomorrow morning

Today its going to be a disgusting day

I woke up, took a shower and ate breakfast

Fay: sleepy head

Me: chub

Fay: ela ween 3yal dalal?

Me: shdrane omhum ana? Aked b darhum

Fay: ma mnch faida

Me: chub

Dalal came with papers

Mohamed: wen kntay? Shnu hthoul?

Dalal: bgoulkum sheeeeey

Mohamed: shnu!

Dalal: b3d 4 months elwlad ra7 eyeeey


Me: akheeh chan zein twins ! Please samouh aziz!

Mohamed: osh entay b3den nfkir

Me: mleqeen

4 hours passed

Dad: yala klkum lbsaw bnroo7 nakel bara

All: okaayy

We changed our clothes and went to chocolate bar

We had a nice time .. Well except me ..

Dad: yala lazm nrid elbait ou entaw bnat rou7aw zhbaw swaw sh3orkum ou kl shey

Dalal: ee yala fay ou lulu nrou7

We went to the salon ,

We stayed for 3 hours there

Me: raaasy thgeeeel

Fay: 7aaaaail

Dalal: bsss la tkhrboona emshaaw 3deell, lulu lbsay elnfnouf al7en lanhum w9law

I was about to cry

I wore the dress , them too

I looked pretty amazing, but i wish it was aziz.

When we arrived home i quickly ran upstairs to open the bag

I opened it wela a diamond ring!

A small note: will you be mine forever?

Dalal: yala lulu nzlay!

I went downstairs and wore the ring

I saw something, i crieddddd i hugged my dad tight


Aziz: im yours forever <3

Me: this is once in a lifetime. <3

' 6b3an hathy kanat a7la daggaa '

Soo now lulu ou aziz are married,
Lulu 3ndaha 1 daughter tawha walda ' nour '
Dalal yabaw aziz
Haya yabat shahad ou tzwjat khaled again
Fay is still single




  1. 3ajjjeeebbbbb love itttt<3

  2. 3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  3. 3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajjjjjjeeeeeebbbaaaa iiii lllllllloooooovvvvvv vvveeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddd itttt 7eeeeeeelll :')!!!! lucky her!

  4. Amazzzziinnnngggg lloveeddd the sotryyy <3

  5. Such an amazing story loved it aloooootttt <3 7da 3ajeeeebbb!

  6. 7daaaa 3ajeeeeeeebbbb alstorry i love it its amaaaaaziiiing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  7. Your blog mra s5eef ma t3rfeen tktbeen al7mdllah w al shkr al blog mo mn68y 3leek tfkeer allah la yblana :/
